When a dentist in Mackay goes super
Walkerston Dental is a dentist with a difference. We are part of a GP super clinic which means we are part of a multidisciplinary team. The clinic itself houses our dental surgery and a GP offering the latest in treatment and technology from your teeth to your toes.
Of course, when you come to see the dentist, we are concerned with your oral health. However, sometimes we need to refer you to other disciplines and so having them on site helps make your patient journey that much more convenient.
Regular check-ups taking you to the doctor’s door
Coming for regular dental check-ups is essential for good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing thoroughly, twice a day is very important, however, the bacteria that create plaque can hide in all the tiny places in your mouth creating the perfect environment for decay and gum disease. Gum disease can quickly become serious if not treated and once it has developed into periodontal disease you will need very careful monitoring to prevent loss of teeth.
Tooth loss and other complications seem like a very harsh result from not visiting the dentist in Mackay, however it can be rectified very easily just by booking your check-up twice a year. At your appointment, our dentist will also thoroughly check your mouth, lips and throat, looking for any abnormalities. If anything is found, they will treat you or can refer you to your GP. So, if your GP is at the super clinic, it’s just a short walk to receive quick, responsive treatment.
Children benefit from a multidisciplinary approach
As your child grows and their first teeth come in, it’s good to book an appointment with your dentist in Mackay. Creating a positive imprint of visiting us at such an early stage ensures your child will feel confident and relaxed at the dentist. We will also monitor their milestones such as how their teeth are coming in. If any speech impediments are showing, we can easily refer back to your GP for further investigation and equally if your GP becomes aware of any issues around the mouth and dental areas, they in turn can refer you back to us.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.