What is a modern-day dentist in Mackay like?
The sky really is the limit when we talk about the options that your dentist in Mackay has to help create the smile of your dreams.
At Walkerston Dental, located at the Walkerston GP Superclinic Queensland, we invite you to experience a compassionate and caring community of dental care professionals who have your best interests at heart. We make sure that you feel properly cared for and considered. All questions are welcomed: we want you to feel like you are in control of your oral health and are making decisions that best suit you and your personal needs.
We provide you with a range of options, as well as financial options so that you do not need to compromise on the health of your teeth and gums. Contact us for more information on financing options available.
What can a modern-day dentist do for my smile?
If you have lost a tooth due to an accident or because you are suffering from some form of decay or gum disease, it is important to repair or replace the tooth as quickly as possible in order to potentially reduce future complications.
Such complications include weakening of the surrounding teeth as they are further exposed to harm. Infection and pain can wear you down, especially at the site where the tooth is missing. You may also be aware that the jaw bone gradually recedes over time at the site of missing teeth and can cause issues with surrounding teeth as well. This natural occurrence is the leading cause of slipping dentures for those who have replaced all of their teeth.
Thankfully, dental implants are a proven method to secure the jaw bone in place and provide you with extremely realistic crowns or bridges that are fixed permanently into your mouth. Having a dental implant sooner, rather than later, improves the chances of success as well as allowing your body to respond and repair.
There are many cosmetic procedures that your dentist in Mackay can offer you. We always welcome you to come and speak to us about your smile concerns so that we can show you what options are available in order to make your dreams a reality.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.