Things you didn’t know about your oral health

Oral health is linked to overall health and that’s why it’s really important to keep our teeth and gums healthy. However, brushing and flossing at home is not enough. If you want to make sure that your oral health remains in good shape, it’s essential to visit the dentist regularly. Every patient has different needs, therefore the frequency of these visits can change.

Dentist in MackayAt Walkerston Dental in Mackay, we have gathered together a great team of dentists and oral care professionals who are happy to clue you in on just how taking care of your teeth and gums can benefit your dental health and wellbeing. Your dentist in Mackay will ask you questions about your oral hygiene habits and create a personalised care plan based on your lifestyle and dental needs.

Here are a few things that you may not know about your oral health:

Damage from tooth decay is permanent

Unless your dentist in Mackay diagnoses tooth decay at an early stage, before your tooth enamel is affected, the damage caused by tooth decay is permanent. This is because unlike the rest of your body, tooth enamel is not made of living cells and cannot repair itself. Once cavities are formed, all you can do is try to and protect your teeth from further decay with the help of your dentist in Mackay.

Gum health is connected to your general health

Your gums play an important role in your oral and general health. Not only do they hold your teeth in place, but they also they shield your body from infections. In fact, gum disease has been linked with systemic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. While we still have a lot to learn about this connection, it’s really important to look after your gums with visits to the dentist and dental hygienist to protect your dental and general health.

It’s a team effort

Your dentist in Mackay is here to help you maintain a healthy mouth but it’s a team effort. You also need to do your part at home with a good oral hygiene routine, as well as eating a balanced diet. Together we can keep you smiling with a healthy set of teeth and gums


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.