Don’t delay when you’ve got a dental emergency

If you’re the ‘tough-as-nails’ type you might baulk at the idea of ever needing an emergency dental appointment in Mackay. After all, you can handle any amount of dental pain. If you’re the easy-going type, you just might never get around to booking your emergency dental appointment in Mackay; the immediate pain is over with and there are lots of other things you’d rather be doing. But trust us when we say that you really shouldn’t delay when it comes to seeking professional treatment for your dental emergency.

Emergency Dental Appointment in MackayAt Walkerston Dental in Walkerston we want to make sure that our patients can enjoy good dental health for a lifetime. That means when a dental emergency happens, getting it seen to pronto is key.

Why act now?

An emergency dental appointment in Mackay does more than provide you with pain relief. When you come see us we’ll also clean and sterilise the site of injury, which will reduce your chances of developing an infection. This is no small matter as dental infection can easily spread if left untreated. We will also set about repairing the damage, where possible, with a permanent fix straight away. If this is not possible, we’ll leave you with a temporary fix and schedule in another appointment for the permanent repairs. This may be the case, for example, if we need to remove a tooth. At your follow-up appointment we can discuss potential replacement options, such as dental implants.

Fixing the damage caused by your dental emergency means you can get back to enjoying eating, talking and laughing. What’s more, it isn’t just your dental health today that benefits; professional dental treatment ensures your future dental health is protected too. A case in point is tooth loss, left untreated it leads to jawbone deterioration, as well as the possibility of changes to your facial structure and ultimately more tooth loss.

What should you do now?

Put our contact details into your phone. That way when a dental emergency strikes, you won’t need to waste time searching for our number online and can get your emergency dental appointment in Mackay as soon as possible.

More than just teeth

When you think of dental treatment in Mackay, what comes to mind? Getting your teeth cleaned, getting a filling or maybe getting a tooth extracted. It’s par for the course at almost all dental practices but at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston we go one step further by providing our patients with a range of advanced services.

Let’s take a look at two of these services and how they can help you:

Dental Treatments in MackayGetting a good night’s rest

Sleep apnoea is a condition where you momentarily stop breathing while you sleep and then suddenly gasp for air, which unsurprisingly can wake you up. It can leave you feeling tired, worn out and as a result can even lead to depression and weight gain. It is also associated with increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. It is caused by your throat muscles relaxing, which causes your airway to collapse in on itself. So how can we help with dental treatment in Mackay?

For mild-to-moderate cases we can provide you with a specially designed dental appliance that you wear at night. It holds the lower jaw slightly forward to help keep your airway open as you sleep.

Getting rid of tongue-tie

Tongue-tie is when the band of tissue that connects your tongue to the base of your mouth is too tight. This can cause difficulties with speech and sometimes even tooth alignment. You may have come across tongue-tie in reference to babies as it can make it difficult for them to feed. If your infant has tongue-tie, there is no need to worry. It is simple enough for us to fix this with a straightforward procedure called a frenectomy, where we will release the band of tissue connecting the tongue to the base of the mouth.

And there is more

We also offer services to treat jaw ache caused by excessive teeth grinding, as well as several options to help nervous patients get through their dental treatment in Mackay, such as general anaesthesia and happy gas.

Find out how we can help you enjoy better oral health by getting in touch today. You may just be surprised by how much we can do for you.

Do you know what to do in a dental emergency?

If you’ve ever been on a first aid course or managed to pay attention during a workplace health and safety seminar, you may have picked up a few things about how to handle minor emergencies. Things like putting pressure on a bleeding wound or cooling a burn with running water. But what about a dental emergency? Would you know what to do?

Emergency Dentist in MackayAt Walkerston Dental in Walkerston we’re here to help if you ever experience a dental emergency with our emergency dentist in Mackay.  We’ll take care of your pain and treat any damage you’ve sustained to your teeth and gums. But between realising you have a dental emergency and getting to our emergency dentist in Mackay, it’s good to know what you can do to help yourself in the meantime. Here are a few pointers:

Stay calm

First things first, don’t panic. Easier said than done but remember, the sooner you can calm yourself down enough to call us, the sooner you’ll get the treatment you need. And however bad you think it looks, there is usually a way to restore you back to full dental health.

Find your teeth

This obviously applies to situations where you have chipped or broken your teeth or had a tooth knocked out. Gather up those bits of teeth that you can find. If you’ve lost a whole tooth, pick it up from the crown, not the roots. Wash off any dirt with clean water and in the case of a whole tooth, place it back into the socket from which it fell out or pop it into a container of milk. Get your bits of teeth or whole tooth to us as soon as possible and we’ll do our best to repair your tooth or put it back in place.

Stop the bleeding

If you’re bleeding, place a clean piece of gauze against the injured site and hold it there until the bleeding stops. If the gauze soaks through, don’t remove it, simply add more on top.

Call us

Call us, your emergency dentist in Mackay, and we’ll do our best to see you that very same day.

Find relief with your emergency dentist

A trip, a fall, a sporting injury. It always happens so quickly, except those few slow-mo moments when you realise what is about to happen but your body can’t do anything to stop it. Like when you can see that ball just about to hit your mouth. Or you see the cement floor getting awfully close to your face. And then it happens, your tooth goes crack, blood spurts from your mouth and you start to panic. Once your panic is under control, it’s time to get yourself an emergency dental appointment in Mackay.

Emergency Dental Appointment in MackayAt Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, we’ve seen it all, from teeth sticking out at odd angles to huge abscesses and bloody mouths. We’ve seen it all and fixed it all with an emergency dental appointment in Mackay.

What happens during your emergency dental appointment?

First we will get you comfortable. If you need pain relief, we’ll give it to you. Then we’ll have a look at the damaged area and sterilise it to reduce your chances of infection. We may need to take some x-rays to assess the full extent of the damage. Then we’ll plan how we can repair any damage. If possible, we’ll provide you with a permanent fix, then and there. If not, we’ll put a temporary solution in place and ask you to come back for further work. For example, if a tooth has been lost or needs extracting, you may come back on another day to start treatment with dental implants.

When should you visit the emergency dentist?

If you are in severe dental pain, have an abscess, swelling or bleeding, then it’s time to get an emergency dental appointment in Mackay. Chipped, broken, partially or fully knocked out teeth can also constitute dental emergencies. If you are ever in any doubt, call us and we’ll advise you on what to do and whether you should see us pronto.

What to do next

Put our contact details in your phone and hope that you never need to make that call for an emergency dental appointment in Mackay, but rest easy knowing that you can should the need arise.

Find what you’re looking for at Walkerston Dental

Have your ever spent ages searching the aisles of the supermarket looking for that one key ingredient, only to finally realise they don’t stock it? Or maybe you’ve trawled through racks and racks of clothes in a store only to find out they don’t stock your size? That’s time spent you’ll never get back. When it comes to your dental health, it sure would help if you could find everything you need at one dental practice. At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, you can.

Dental treatment in Mackay covers a wide variety of procedures, from cosmetic to restorative and we’re happy to report that our dentist can help you with them all.

Dental Treatments in MackayHave you lost a tooth or teeth?

Replacing those missing teeth is essential to preserving the rest of your teeth, your jawbone and your facial structure. We don’t just provide dentures to fill those gaps, we also give you the option of choosing dental implants. This dental treatment in Mackay is considered the most reliable way to restore missing teeth as it replaces both the crowns and the roots. This means you get superior stability and full oral function.

Are your teeth looking worse for wear?

Sometimes even healthy teeth don’t look so great after years of wear. Stains and discolouration are a particular concern for many patients as it has a significant impact on their smiles. That’s why we offer teeth whitening, which can remove surface stains caused by years of drinking wine, tea and coffee and eating highly pigmented foods.

Are you worried about your oral health?

Perhaps you are experiencing sensitive teeth or sore gums or you’ve noticed the build-up of tartar. Whatever your dental concerns, keeping up with your regular dental check-ups gives us a chance to get to the root of the problem. We can pick up the early signs of dental disease and get you the dental treatment in Mackay that you need as soon as you need it.

What else is on your mind?

Whatever concerns you have about your teeth, gums and oral tissues, don’t keep them to yourself. Pay us a visit, let us know and we’re certain we can help.

Getting to know to us

Trust, it’s the foundation of every lasting relationship. That goes for those of the professional variety too. If you didn’t trust your doctor with your health or your solicitor with your legal troubles, life would be a whole lot more stressful. Creating a trusting relationship with your dentist in Mackay is equally as important. After all, your dental health affects more that just your teeth and gums. Poor dental health, specifically gum disease, has been linked to increased risks of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Dentist in MackayThat’s why at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, we take the time to really get to know each and every one of our patients. We want you to feel completely comfortable with us, your dentist in Mackay. That ‘getting to know you’ process goes both ways. We want you to get to know us too. So let’s get that ball rolling right now.

Dr Prathap Kripakaran

Our principal dentist, Dr Prathap Kripakaran, affectionately known as PK to us and his patients, doesn’t just love practising dentistry, he loves learning about it too. In fact, he is of the mind-set that continuing education is vital to stay on top of advances in the field. By keeping up to date with what’s happening today in dentistry, PK ensures that his patients receive modern, effective dental care.

Dr Simi Jacob

With a background working in a busy hospital-based dental practice, Dr Simi Jacob is confident dealing with all manner of dental problems. Her gentle approach is known to put even the most nervous patients at ease, which is also why she is great with children. As a mum herself, Simi knows how important it is to give kids a good start with their dental health and so she strives to make sure that our youngest patients have a positive experience from their very first interactions with their dentist in Mackay.

Take a breath, now call us

Pain has the bad habit of rendering us unable to think, speak or act with any clarity. Dental pain is notorious for being one of worst kinds of pain. Severe dental pain, now that’s enough to turn a perfectly sensible individual into a screaming mess. That’s why it pays to have an emergency dentist in Mackay listed in the contacts on your phone. So first things first, pop our contact details in your phone now.

Emergency Dentist in MackayAt Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, we always aim to get you an emergency appointment on the day you contact us. We’ll relieve your pain, sterilise the damaged tissue to reduce infection and then set about repairing your tooth or teeth. But in the time between your dental emergency and getting to your emergency dentist in Mackay, there are a few things you can do to help yourself.


If you’ve got a bad toothache, rinse your mouth out with warm water and then use dental floss to get rid of any trapped food that might be the cause of your toothache. If you’ve already got some swelling, a cold compress against the skin of your cheek will help.

Chipped teeth

Do your best to find those pieces of tooth that have broken off. Rinse your mouth and any broken bits of tooth in warm water. To prevent or reduce any swelling, use a cold compress against the outside of your cheek. If your mouth is bleeding, press a clean piece of gauze against the bleeding area until the bleeding stops.

Knocked out teeth

Again, as with chipped teeth, get hunting for that missing tooth. Once you find it, pick it up from the crown, not the root. Our tooth roots are very sensitive and need to stay in as good a condition as possible so the dentist can re-attach your tooth. If you can get yourself and your tooth to your emergency dentist in Mackay within 2 hours, there is a chance we can put your tooth back in place. Store your tooth in a container of your saliva or milk, never in water. Better yet, place it back in the socket from which it came out, if this isn’t too painful.

Do it for the kids

When it comes to our children, we only want the best for them. The best schools, the best neighbourhood, the best start in life. It’s the same story for their dental health. To protect your child’s oral health, bring them in to see us at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland. A healthy diet and a good oral hygiene routine at home are a great start for your children’s oral health but they’ll need more than that to keep their teeth, gums and oral tissues in a good state as they grow and develop.

Dental Treatments in MackaySo when it comes to dental treatment in Mackay, what treatments are tailored just for the kids?

Fissure sealants

This dental treatment in Mackay is proven to help prevent tooth decay in children, specifically decay of the back teeth. A thin layer of resin is painted onto the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. This resin seals off the many small fissures, or grooves, which form the chewing surfaces of these teeth. With the back teeth being harder to clean properly, especially for children who haven’t yet mastered their toothbrushing technique, fissure sealants can provide an added level of protection.


Braces are seen as a rite of passage in children and young teenagers. But with early intervention, braces may not be needed for your child. This focuses on addressing the underlying causes of misaligned teeth, which broadly fall into developmental problems or poor oral habits, such as thumb sucking. The Myobrace is designed to help correct poor oral habits and treat jaw development problems. This can help ensure that the teeth come through properly, reducing the need for later treatment with braces.

Our approach with children’s dental treatment in Mackay

Whatever treatment you bring your child in for at our clinic, you can rest assured that we’ll take the time to get to know your child and put them at ease. Our gentle, friendly approach will help ensure your child leaves our dental practice with a smile on their face.

Book your child’s dental appointment today for the best start with their oral health. If their teeth haven’t yet come through, bring them along to your appointment so they can get to know us.

Walkerston Dental: your tech savvy dentist

Time was, keeping in touch meant sending a letter across oceans by ship, then came airmail, then came email. And now it’s a whole new world of video chat, online messengers, and endless social media platforms. It can be hard to keep up. When it comes to dentistry, technology has advanced just as much. But at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston we make it our business to keep on top of all the latest developments, so that when you come to us, as your dentist in Mackay, you know you’ll be getting up-to-date treatment with modern technology.

Dentist in MackayLet’s explore a few of the gadgets we put to work for your dental health.

Digital x-rays

You may need dental x-rays to check on impacted wisdom teeth or before getting braces or dental implants. Going digital means you are exposed to significantly lower radiation doses. As a dentist in Mackay, going digital means we can capture greater detail and view the images as they come in, in real time. That means we are better able to spot the early signs of dental disease.

Intra-oral cameras

When we spot something in your mouth that is of concern, it helps if we can show it to you. This is now possible with intra-oral cameras that allow us to take detailed photos of the inside of your mouth quickly. We can then put these up on screen so you can see what we’re talking about, giving you a better understanding of your dental health.

Surgical microscopes

Specialised microscopes let us zoom in on your oral tissues by as much as 20 times. With that level of detail, we can be certain when we’ve cleared up an infection or gotten rid of decay. So, when your dentist in Mackay says your treatment was a success, you know it’s true at a microscopic level.

Implant planning software

If you’ve experienced tooth loss, it is important you seek treatment as soon as possible. The gold standard of tooth restoration is dental implants. These are placed into the jawbone during a minor surgical procedure. Advanced implant planning software allows us to meticulously plan exactly where we will place your implants, reducing surgical complications and improving long-term results.

Take action now

It can be very worrying when dental discomfort suddenly strikes you. Tooth decay, for example, if left untreated, can cause acute pain when it gets beyond a certain point. Then there are the dining mishaps and sporting injuries that can result in the loss of one or more teeth. For all these things, and for any other kind of worrying change in the condition of your teeth and gums, you should visit the emergency dentist in Mackay.

Emergency Dentist in MackayAt Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, we provide same day appointments for emergency dental care. The sooner you book yourself in to have your uncomfortable or painful dental situation checked out, the sooner we can restore your dental health.

When to visit the emergency dentist in Mackay

Broken teeth need immediate treatment. Whether you’ve collided with someone while playing sports, or simply felt your tooth crack after biting into an unexpectedly hazardous sandwich, you need to see a dentist straight away.

Excessive bleeding and swelling are also signs that you should access treatment as soon as you can. There’s no need to wait. If you call us as soon as things take a turn for the worse, we’ll be able to ease your distress and repair your teeth.

We offer same day appointments specifically for people who need an emergency dentist in Mackay. The team here is experienced in providing reassurance during the emergency procedure.

What happens at the emergency dentist in Mackay?

We’ll take a look inside your mouth to discover exactly what’s happened, and plan what we need to do to reduce your discomfort and stabilise your condition. We’ll then set to work on relieving your pain and repairing any damage. Depending on what’s happened, you might need to come back to our practice again at a later date for some follow-up work.

After your visit to the emergency dentist in Mackay, you’ll have a much more comfortable and healthy mouth. Our treatments are designed to last. We’ll let you know exactly how to care for your teeth and gums in order to reduce the likelihood of needing any more emergency appointments.