Need a root canal? 5 key advantages from our dentist at Walkerston Dental
There are few dental patients who would be happy to find out that they require a root canal.
As one of the most common of all the procedures performed by a general dental team, a root canal seeks to remove all of the infected material from the inside of the tooth, following an infection or the exposure of the pulp via a facial trauma.
So, why is it so unpopular?
We have a few theories! And the most common one is that dental patients are not often aware of the facts about root canals and as is usually the way with lack of knowledge, worry is the go-to response. In this article, we hope to change that a bit and to explain why root canals are beneficial.
At Walkerston Dental, our team knows all about root canals/endodontics and can ensure that if you need these procedures, they will be comfortable and the outcomes as long-lasting as possoble. Over the years, our dentist in Walkerston has performed thousands of root canals and can attest to the efficacy of the treatment and the benefits that it offers over alternative treatments.
What are some of those benefits? Read on to find out!
You have likely heard that root canals are uncomfortable. In short, this is not true and in actuality, they often resolve persistent dental discomfort.
Prior to the procedure being performed, our dentist in Walkerston will numb your mouth and once all of the infected material is removed, the swelling will recede and you will feel more comfortable.
One of the main advantages of having a root canal performed by our dentist in Walkerston is the aesthetic benefit.
Suppose you had an infected tooth near the front of your mouth- would you really want to have it extracted? A root canal restores the strength of your tooth without impacting its physical appearance, allowing you to keep your glorious smile intact! Perfect!
A root canal is only usually performed if there is an infection. And as the procedure itself involves the removal of the infected debris, it prevents the bacteria from spreading to surrounding teeth and tissue, keeping your mouth and oral health in good condition.
It also prevents damage to the jaw bone and reinfection, which can and does occur following an extraction.
While a root canal is a preventive against future infections, it also prevents a myriad of other dental issues from occurring.
It stops tooth movement that often accompanies extraction, thus it prevents orthodontic work. It prevents gum disease by keeping all of your teeth in your mouth. It also prevents expensive cosmetic procedures to fill in the gap in your smile.
Following on from the last point, orthodontics and cosmetics procedures like dental implants after an extraction are not cheap, and can often come with other complications.
By having a root canal, you can actually save yourself from expensive treatments and save yourself a great deal of time that could be otherwise spent in the dental chair.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.