Lifestyle changes that can advance your oral health

Did you know that oral problems can affect your general health? Our mouth gives some important clues to what is happening in other parts of the body and sometimes symptoms are interconnected.

Oral health is more important than you realise, because it can affect your general health in many ways. Lifestyle choices such as poor oral hygiene, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can harm your teeth and gums and hurt your oral and overall health. At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, we can treat this situation and introduce you into a lifetime of good oral habits – simply book an appointment with our dentist in Mackay.

Dentist in MackaySmoking is harmful to your oral health

Smoking doesn’t do any favours to your teeth. On the one hand, it causes discolouration and stains, while on the other, it’s the number one cause of oral cancer. Nicotine, the basic component of cigarettes and other tobacco products, creates a friendly environment for plaque and bacteria in your mouth and can degrade the bone and tissues that hold your teeth and gums in place. Smoking is also linked to advanced gum disease, a condition that can lead to serious tooth loss.

Alcohol can also cause problems

If you drink a glass of wine or other spirits every day and you brush and floss your teeth diligently, your oral health isn’t in danger. However, excessive alcohol consumption causes the mouth to dry out, making it a great place for bacteria to flourish and multiply. Instead of alcohol, consume water to ensure that your mouth remains hydrated and that your saliva flow is normal.

Consume calcium and vitamins through your diet

Your dentist in Mackay will also recommend consuming calcium and other vitamins and minerals to ensure that your teeth remain healthy and strong. These supplements should be provided by your diet and they are essential for the good health of your teeth and gums. Zinc, potassium, magnesium and iron are also important for the good health of your teeth and gums and should also be provided by your diet on a daily basis.

Even if you are living a healthy life, it’s still important to visit your dentist in Mackay from time to time.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.