Key signs of gum disease you shouldn’t ignore from our dentist

Most people are aware of the symptoms of cavities.


Your tooth aches, it can become painful to drink hot or cold beverages, and you may even begin to develop headaches. Looking at the tooth that is hurting, you will usually see a small, brown circle, indicating that it is time to visit our team to have a filling.

But what about gum disease? Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, yet, surprisingly, few identifying features are known by the general public.

Our team at Walkerston Dental believes that prevention is better than cure, and when you come to see our dentist Walkerston, we will always assess your gums for the presence of gum disease and aim to treat it as soon as we can. That way, your smile will stay glowing and healthy for years to come. Great!

So, what are some of the signs of gum disease that you shouldn’t ignore, according to our dentist Walkerston?

Red, swollen, or tender gums

First on the list are swollen or tender gums that look red. According to our dentist Walkerston, this is a sign that you may have gum disease.

One way to tell whether your gums are tender is to gently press on them with your finger or a soft-bristled toothbrush. If your gums feel sore or painful when you do this, they may be tender. You may also feel sensitivity or discomfort when your teeth come into contact with hot or cold foods and beverages. Gum tenderness is often a sign of inflammation in the gums, which goes hand in hand with periodontal diseases.

Bleeding while brushing or flossing

Most people are aware of this symptom; the infamous bleeding gums.

Gums may bleed when you have gum disease because the infection and inflammation caused by the disease can cause the gums to become swollen and fragile. This bleeding can also be a sign that the gum disease has progressed to a more advanced stage and will need prompt assessment and treatment from our team.

Bad breath or halitosis

When plaque is not removed through regular brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar and cause irritation and inflammation in the gums. This inflammation can lead to the development of pockets of pus between the gums and teeth, which can produce a foul-smelling odour. The bacteria that cause gum disease can produce volatile sulphur compounds, which can also contribute to bad breath. If you are experiencing persistent bad breath and suspect you may have gum disease, it’s important to see our team at Walkerston Dental as soon as possible.

Loose teeth

Teeth may become loose when you have gum disease because the infection and inflammation caused by the disease can cause the gums to pull away from the teeth. This can create pockets of pus between the gums and teeth, which can weaken the connection between the gums and the tooth roots. As the disease progresses, the gums and supporting bone may continue to recede, causing the teeth to become looser.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.