Effective oral health treatment

Visiting the dentist in Mackay is a crucial part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy and free from disease. At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, you’ll have access to a wide range of oral health services. We can fix your damaged teeth, make sure your gums are healthy, and prevent future deterioration. Our team of experienced dental professionals is friendly, efficient, and considerate. We provide contemporary oral healthcare in relaxing surroundings.

Dentist in MackayLevels of care

The dentist in Mackay can give you a much higher level of care than you can provide for yourself. Our years of experience and training, combined with up-to-date practical knowledge and technology, allow us to detect problems and deal with them before they develop into something you’d notice yourself.

If you visit us regularly, that gives us a great chance of stopping oral health problems before they become oral health emergencies. There’s no need to wait until you’re worried about your teeth before you visit the dentist in Mackay. Come to us for a check-up and we can steer you towards a low hassle dental future.

Restoring and improving

If you have any existing dental damage, we can make effective repairs that provide long-term stability. As a cosmetic dentist in Mackay, we can also provide relatively simple treatments that have a strong visual effect. Veneers, for example, will improve the appearance of chipped, stained or misshapen teeth. Teeth whitening treatment return the natural gleam to your teeth.

Many of our patients want the dentist in Mackay to enhance the alignment of their teeth. We provide contemporary aligners and braces that are considerate of your social and cosmetic needs. Using transparent and low visibility materials, these innovative appliances straighten teeth without drawing attention to themselves. They’re customised for your comfort, and even bringing about small changes to wonky teeth with such appliances can have a big effect.

Good to go

We aim to improve your long-term dental health by offering effective treatments as well as advice on the best ways you can care for your teeth and gums. As an all-round dentist in Mackay, we’re able to respond quickly to any oral health concerns.