Live life to the max with no worries

Do you live an active life? Do you love sports? Maybe you’re a team player and you’re into hockey, rugby or soccer. Perhaps you prefer to ride the waves by yourself and go surf. Or it could be that you love to tear up the dirt on a BMX track. Whatever your sporting pursuit, you’d be wise to keep the number of an emergency dentist to hand.

Emergency Dental Appointment in MackayIt’s so easy to lose a tooth to an elbow in the face during a scrum, or to chip a piece off after a BMX face plant. And at such a time, the last thing you want to be doing is scrolling through Google trying to find an emergency dental appointment in Mackay.

It might be that your regular dentist doesn’t offer emergency appointments, or maybe you and your team are visiting the area for an away game. Whatever your situation, save the number of Walkerston Dental in Walkerston under ‘Emergency Dentist’ in your phone. That way, when ball hits face, it will only take a couple of clicks to be on your way to your emergency dental appointment in Mackay.

When it comes to a knocked-out tooth, it’s doubly important to get to an emergency dental appointment in Mackay fast. Not only will you want to get some relief from the pain, there’s also a much better chance of saving the tooth if you get to us within 2 hours. Let our reception staff know when you call that you’ve had a tooth knocked out and they will do their best to fit you in as soon as possible.

There are other things you can do to help save the tooth. First of all, remember that the root of a tooth is living tissue. Avoid touching it as the oils and dirt on your fingers can kill it. Pick a knocked-out tooth up by the white part (the crown) then put it back in its socket. If that’s not possible, place it inside the cheek, or, put it in a clean container and cover it with milk. Never use tap water because the chemicals in it will kill the root.

What you should do in a dental emergency?

You never think it will happen to you but then one day, there you are, mouth throbbing, spitting out blood. You’re in the middle of a dental emergency. So, what should you do? First off, call Walkerston Dental in Walkerston and book yourself an emergency dental appointment in Mackay. We’ll do our best to see you the same day you call and if we can’t, we’ll aim to get you seen at our other practice in Mackay, Northern Beaches Dental.

With your emergency dental appointment in Mackay all booked in, you’re still facing minutes or perhaps even a couple of hours until you can get yourself to us. In that time, it’s handy to know what you can do to help yourself.

Emergency Dental Appointment in MackayA knocked-out tooth

If you can find it, pick it up by the crown, not the root. The roots of your teeth have delicate fibres attached to them, which are easily damaged. You need to keep your knocked-out tooth in as good a condition as possible so that you have the best chances of getting it re-attached. With that in mind, try to put it back into the socket from which it got knocked out. If that is too painful, store it in a container of your saliva or in milk.

If your mouth is bleeding, apply clean gauze to the area and hold it there until the bleeding has stopped.

Then get yourself and your tooth to us within 2 hours and we’ll do our best to re-attach your tooth.

Chipped tooth

Once again, find those pieces of tooth. Rinse your mouth and the pieces of your tooth in warm water. Then get to us as soon as possible to repair your tooth.


Rinse your mouth in warm water and use floss to remove any food debris lodged between your teeth, which may be causing the pain. Use over-the-counter painkillers if necessary, but don’t apply any pain relief directly to your gums. To reduce swelling, apply a cold compress against your cheek.

If you aren’t sure what to do in a dental emergency, don’t worry. When you call us to book your emergency dental appointment in Mackay, we can advise you.

What is a dental emergency?

You’d be surprised how many people don’t know the answer to the question, ‘What is a dental emergency?’. After all, it isn’t something you hear much about. If you are ever in any doubt as to whether you are having a dental emergency, it is always best to call the emergency dentist in Mackay.

When you call us at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, we’ll ask you a few questions to find out whether or not you need to be seen by our emergency dentist in Mackay. It may be that we can advise you on what to do over the phone and schedule you in for a regular dental appointment. But if you do need to see the emergency dentist in Mackay, rest assured that we will try to fit you in on the same day you call us.

Emergency Dentist in MackaySo, back to the question we started with. What is a dental emergency? There are lots of different scenarios that count as dental emergencies. Here are a few of the most common:

Dental pain

Toothache can quite quickly go from a nagging ache to severe pain. It is often a sign of underlying dental disease, such as tooth decay or an infection of the pulp that resides beneath the enamel of your teeth. While you may be able to make do with over-the-counter painkillers for a while, this won’t resolve the cause of your toothache and delaying treatment gives the underlying problem the chance to get worse. So, if you are experiencing severe toothache, it is a dental emergency.

Dental injuries

You could be the most cautious person in the world but accidents still happen. Partially or fully knocked out teeth, as well as chipped, cracked or broken teeth all constitute dental emergencies. They may be accompanied by bleeding and swelling too.

Broken dental appliances

Broken dental appliances don’t always require same-day emergency care, but you’ll probably need to come in sooner than your next scheduled appointment. So, for broken braces, dental implants, crowns, dentures or bridges, it is worth giving us a call so we can determine how soon we need to see you.

Rest easy with the emergency dentist in Mackay

Most people know exactly who to call in most emergencies. Dial 000 and get that ambulance, fire truck or police car to you pronto. But what about a dental emergency? 000 is hardly appropriate. So, who should you call? The emergency dentist in Mackay, that’s who.

At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, we provide emergency dental services so that when you’re in dental pain you don’t need to think twice about what to do. Pick up the phone, call us and we’ll take care of the rest.

Emergency Dentist in MackayYour call

When you call us in need of an emergency dentist in Mackay, our caring dental team will find out exactly what has happened and do their very best to put you at ease and calm any rising panic. We can offer you advice on what to do before you get to us and will aim to see you the same day you call.

Your emergency appointment

Our emergency dentist in Mackay will first provide you with pain relief if you need it. Then it’s time to thoroughly examine the damaged area to find out the extent of the damage. This may sometimes require x-rays. The area will be cleaned and sterilised to reduce the chance of infection before repairs are then carried out.

If we can’t provide you with a permanent fix then and there, we’ll send you off with a temporary fix so you can get on with your day. We’ll then call you back for follow-up treatment. A good example of when this would be the case is if we need to extract a severely damaged tooth or if we are unable to re-attach a tooth that has been knocked out. In these cases you will need to have replacement teeth made, which can be in the form of bridges, dentures or dental implants.

Your dental health

When you’re facing a dental emergency seeing the emergency dentist in Mackay will ensure that your future dental health is protected. Damage to your teeth or gums can have long-lasting consequences if not taken care of properly. So make sure you put our contact details into your phone now and give us a call pronto when a dental emergency strikes.

Walking you through your dental emergency

Pain and panic go hand in hand. So, when a dental emergency strikes, it is completely understandable that you may not know what to do and your mind may go blank. That is why it helps to think through what you would do in a dental emergency before one happens. The more familiar you are with the steps you need to take, the more likely you will be able to act them out when a dental emergency strikes.

Emergency Dental Appointment in MackayOf course, the most important thing to do when you have a dental emergency is to book an emergency dental appointment in Mackay. At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, we’ll aim to see you the same day you get in touch.

Now let’s walk through those all-important steps to take during a dental emergency.

Step 1: keep calm

Easier said than done, but it is important to try to keep a level head. Take a moment to breath in and out deeply. Steady yourself and remember that your emergency dentist will get your dental health back on track.

Step 2: call us

Keep our number stored in your phone under emergency dentist. That way if you are too frazzled to call us to book your emergency dental appointment in Mackay, your friend or a helpful passer-by can.

Step 3: do some dental first aid

Depending on your dental emergency, there are a few things you can do yourself. If you have chipped or knocked out your tooth, find the tooth or pieces of tooth. For a completely knocked-out tooth, store it in saliva or in milk, or place it back into the socket from which it came out. If you are bleeding, apply gauze to the area and hold it there. If it soaks through add more gauze on top. If your mouth is swollen, apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek. Take over-the-counter painkillers for some temporary pain relief if you need it.

Step 4: sit back and let us help

Once you arrive for your emergency dental appointment in Mackay, you can relax. We’ll provide you with pain relief, clean and sterilise the damaged area, and repair the damage.

When you should see an emergency dentist

Some dental emergencies are obvious, such as losing a tooth, but sometimes you can’t be sure whether or not you need to see an emergency dentist in Mackay. If you are unsure whether you need an emergency appointment, call Walkerston Dental in Walkerston and our staff will be able to advise you.

Emergency Dentist in MackayThings that aren’t emergencies

If you’ve lost a filling, you may have some pain and it might make eating awkward but it doesn’t usually require an emergency dentist in Mackay. That said, food getting stuck in the hole where the filling was can cause problems so you should make an appointment for some time in the next few days.

Toothache can be an indicator of a problem that requires treatment, but unless the pain comes on suddenly or is very severe it isn’t usually cause to visit an emergency dentist in Mackay. If there are other symptoms such as swelling, or if you are unsure, it is best to call the practice for advice.

If you have chipped at tooth it can be annoying, but isn’t normally treated as an emergency. Again, if you are unsure just call the practice and they will tell you if you need an emergency appointment.

Reasons to visit an emergency dentist in Mackay

If you have lost an adult tooth, you definitely need to get to an emergency dentist in Mackay as soon as possible, as they may be able to save the tooth. Call our practice and explain the situation, and they will advise you on what to do with the tooth. A loose or cracked tooth is another reason to call for an emergency appointment. Prompt treatment could mean the difference between saving or losing the tooth. Another serious problem that requires emergency treatment is an abscess. Left untreated, the infection could spread and become more dangerous.

Emergency care at Walkerston Dental

We will always to our best to treat you on the same day if you call us with an emergency. At the very least, we will make sure we relieve your pain before you go home. If you need to return for further treatment we will do our best to take care of you as soon as possible.

What to do if you need an emergency dental appointment

No matter how well you look after your teeth, there may come a time when you need an emergency dental appointment in Mackay. Here at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP Superclinic, Queensland, we will do our best to see you on the same day and ensure you go home pain-free.

Emergency Dental Appointment in MackayExamples of dental emergencies

There are a number of situations that count as a dental emergency. If you play contact sports, chances are you’ve seen someone lose a tooth at some point. If this happens to you, it is essential to book an emergency dental appointment in Mackay as soon as possible as the dentist may be able to save the tooth. Clean the tooth in either saliva or milk, being careful to handle it by the crown and avoid touching the root. Then carefully push the tooth back into the socket and bite down gently to hold it in place until you can see the dentist. If this is not possible, transport the tooth in a small container or milk. This will help to preserve it.

If the tooth is cracked or loose, again you should book an emergency dental appointment in Mackay as quickly as you can. The sooner you can get to the dentist, the more likely they will be able to save the tooth. If you receive an injury to the jaw or have bleeding that won’t stop, these are also reasons to see an emergency dentist.

Another example of a dental emergency is if you think you have an abscess. Symptoms of an abscess include pain, swelling, pus, difficulty biting or chewing, and fever. Abscesses are caused by infection and should always be treated by a dentist as quickly as possible to prevent the infection from spreading.

It’s not always obvious

There are situations where you may not be sure whether or not you should book an emergency dental appointment in Mackay. Even if you have received some trauma to the mouth, you may not be able to see any obvious damage. If you have a lot of pain you should still call us for advice. Our staff will be able to tell you whether you need to come in to get it checked.

How an emergency dentist can help you

As many of us know, tooth pain is one of the worst feelings in the world. There’s something horrible about that deep-rooted pain, plus the fact that it stops you from being able to eat normally. But is a sore tooth a reason to see an emergency dentist in Mackay? That depends on what is causing the pain. The best thing to do is to give us a call. If you explain the situation, our staff will be able to advise you on whether or not you need an emergency appointment.

Emergency Dentist in MackayReasons you might need an emergency dentist in Mackay

So, what might be causing that pain? The most obvious reason is some kind of blow or trauma that may have damaged a tooth. Even if there is no obvious damage such as a knocked-out or cracked tooth, there may be some damage that you can’t see and if you are in a lot of pain it is best to give us a call. You may need an x-ray to assess the damage, and our dentist will do their best to relieve the pain for you.

If you are unlucky enough to have a tooth knocked-out or cracked, it is very important that you get to an emergency dentist in Mackay as soon as possible, as they may be able to save the tooth for you.

Another dental problem that can cause pain is an abscess. Abscesses aren’t always painful, but they do require treatment. An abscess is caused by infection and won’t get better by itself. If you don’t have it treated quickly, you run the risk of the infection spreading which can be dangerous for your health. Other symptoms that might be caused by an abscess are swelling, a bad taste, or a fever. If you think you have an abscess, it is important to call an emergency dentist in Mackay.

If you have an emergency, come to us

If you need an emergency dentist in Mackay, Walkerston Dental in Walkerston can help you. Give us a call and we will do our best to treat your problem on the same day. Even if you’re not sure if it’s an emergency, our staff can advise you.

Don’t delay when you’ve got a dental emergency

If you’re the ‘tough-as-nails’ type you might baulk at the idea of ever needing an emergency dental appointment in Mackay. After all, you can handle any amount of dental pain. If you’re the easy-going type, you just might never get around to booking your emergency dental appointment in Mackay; the immediate pain is over with and there are lots of other things you’d rather be doing. But trust us when we say that you really shouldn’t delay when it comes to seeking professional treatment for your dental emergency.

Emergency Dental Appointment in MackayAt Walkerston Dental in Walkerston we want to make sure that our patients can enjoy good dental health for a lifetime. That means when a dental emergency happens, getting it seen to pronto is key.

Why act now?

An emergency dental appointment in Mackay does more than provide you with pain relief. When you come see us we’ll also clean and sterilise the site of injury, which will reduce your chances of developing an infection. This is no small matter as dental infection can easily spread if left untreated. We will also set about repairing the damage, where possible, with a permanent fix straight away. If this is not possible, we’ll leave you with a temporary fix and schedule in another appointment for the permanent repairs. This may be the case, for example, if we need to remove a tooth. At your follow-up appointment we can discuss potential replacement options, such as dental implants.

Fixing the damage caused by your dental emergency means you can get back to enjoying eating, talking and laughing. What’s more, it isn’t just your dental health today that benefits; professional dental treatment ensures your future dental health is protected too. A case in point is tooth loss, left untreated it leads to jawbone deterioration, as well as the possibility of changes to your facial structure and ultimately more tooth loss.

What should you do now?

Put our contact details into your phone. That way when a dental emergency strikes, you won’t need to waste time searching for our number online and can get your emergency dental appointment in Mackay as soon as possible.

Do you know what to do in a dental emergency?

If you’ve ever been on a first aid course or managed to pay attention during a workplace health and safety seminar, you may have picked up a few things about how to handle minor emergencies. Things like putting pressure on a bleeding wound or cooling a burn with running water. But what about a dental emergency? Would you know what to do?

Emergency Dentist in MackayAt Walkerston Dental in Walkerston we’re here to help if you ever experience a dental emergency with our emergency dentist in Mackay.  We’ll take care of your pain and treat any damage you’ve sustained to your teeth and gums. But between realising you have a dental emergency and getting to our emergency dentist in Mackay, it’s good to know what you can do to help yourself in the meantime. Here are a few pointers:

Stay calm

First things first, don’t panic. Easier said than done but remember, the sooner you can calm yourself down enough to call us, the sooner you’ll get the treatment you need. And however bad you think it looks, there is usually a way to restore you back to full dental health.

Find your teeth

This obviously applies to situations where you have chipped or broken your teeth or had a tooth knocked out. Gather up those bits of teeth that you can find. If you’ve lost a whole tooth, pick it up from the crown, not the roots. Wash off any dirt with clean water and in the case of a whole tooth, place it back into the socket from which it fell out or pop it into a container of milk. Get your bits of teeth or whole tooth to us as soon as possible and we’ll do our best to repair your tooth or put it back in place.

Stop the bleeding

If you’re bleeding, place a clean piece of gauze against the injured site and hold it there until the bleeding stops. If the gauze soaks through, don’t remove it, simply add more on top.

Call us

Call us, your emergency dentist in Mackay, and we’ll do our best to see you that very same day.