Advice from a dentist in Mackay on prevention
It is said that prevention is the best medicine. This certainly holds true in modern dentistry. Walkerston Dental, located in the Walkerston GP Superclinic, Queensland are modern, forward looking and proactive dentists in Mackay.
By giving you personalised information regarding your oral health, and what you can do to maintain and improve it, we are dedicated to helping you to help yourself and prevent the need for restorative treatments wherever possible.
We have all heard that by brushing twice a day, flossing and rinsing that we are doing what is recommended to help beat bacteria that leads to unsightly plaque build up, bad breath, stains, decay and disease.
However, a lot of the time we have never been taught exactly how to brush, and what toothbrush to use for and what ingredients your toothpaste should have to have the most positive impact on your teeth and gums.
At your dentist in Mackay, we will share with you as much information as you want to hear. Including all about your health, advice on diet and improvements in your overall health, brushing techniques, toothpaste & toothbrush tips and more. We want to help you to keep your natural teeth in tip top shape for as long as you possibly can.
What else can I do in order to keep my mouth healthy?
There are many small, daily things you can do that not only improve your oral health, but potentially your overall health as well.
It is important for you to understand that oral health does not just start and end with your mouth. Your whole body is connected and by viewing yourself in a holistic (whole) way, you are able to see links between issues or concerns that you may have and find common solutions to these problems.
An example is drinking water. By drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary drinks as often as you can, you can help wash away the bacteria in your mouth frequently, allowing trapped food to be removed and helping with bad breath.
Drinking water also reduces dehydration, which can cause headaches, lethargy and confusion. By avoiding gum disease, you can potentially help you blood pressure down which in turn provides relief to your heart. Gum disease is sometimes linked to heart conditions due to the inflammatory response that occurs throughout your body as a result.
When you visit your dentist every six months, talk to them about any changes that you have had in your life that may have an impact on your oral health. Stress can lead to involuntary grinding of the teeth, often during the night, and this can wear down teeth and cause issues with your gums.
Pregnancy and menopause in women can cause hormonal imbalances that can have a negative impact on teeth and oral health if not closely monitored.
It’s recommended that you get your teeth professionally cleaned by a hygienist twice a year. Not only is it a great confidence boost to have that great clean feeling and removal of plaque and tartar buildup, you are also helping to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.