Say goodbye to gum disease with preventive dentistry in Mackay
If you want to reduce the amount of dental treatment you have to undergo, then it’s time to practise preventive oral care. Preventive dentistry is a special branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common oral health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. Preventive dentistry is also a collaborative task since it involves the cooperation of the dentist, the dental hygienist and the patient at the same time.
At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, we offer a wide range of preventive services – from cleanings and check-ups to bonding and dental fillings. Our experienced dentist in Mackay will examine your teeth thoroughly and look for signs of tooth decay and gum disease. If you need further treatment, we will perform more examinations and help you decide on the best treatment plan for your individual needs.
Thwart gum disease
Gum disease, scientifically known as periodontal disease, is a bacterial infection caused by the build-up of dental plaque on the teeth and between the gum line. In short, it is an infection of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Gingivitis is a mild type of periodontal disease, where the gums tend to become red, swollen and bleeding when you brush and floss.
Periodontitis is advanced gum disease. As the bone and tissues surrounding the teeth weaken because of the infection, gum pockets form around the tooth. These pockets become easily infected causing the destruction of the underlying bone and tissue. Eventually, infected teeth become loose and may even fall out of their socket.
Gum disease is easy to prevent – simply visit your dentist in Mackay twice a year for cleanings. Dental visits are an important part of the oral hygiene equation, because no matter how good your oral care routine is, only your dentist in Mackay can diagnose gum disease early and treat it before it develops into periodontitis. This is achieved by the removal of plaque from your teeth. Moreover, your dentist in Mackay will show you how to take care proper of your teeth between dental appointments, so that you can keep plaque and other harmful bacteria at bay.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.