A family-owned dentist in Mackay

Here at Walkerston Dental, we are a family-owned dentist in Mackay serving the communities and residents in Pioneer Valley, Marian, Mirani, Finch Hatton, Eungella, Eton, and Nebo. While we have the friendly, welcoming, and calming environment of a family owned dental clinic, we are a fully accredited dental practice offering the most up-to-date and advanced treatments, techniques, and technologies to all of our patients. Routine visits to your dentist in Mackay are proven to be important for your overall health, not just your oral health, and we want to help our patients maintain the healthiest smile and life.

Dentist in MackayWhy preventive dentistry is effective

At Walkerston Dental, in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, we want our patients to prevent decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems long before they start. We want to introduce healthy and efficient oral hygiene habits to our youngest and oldest patients. Our team of dental professionals, combined with our up-to-date knowledge and technology, can provide you with a more detailed level of care and prevention than you can manage at home. This is why it is important to visit the dentist in Mackay twice a year, even if you do not feel any pain or notice any changes. We may see issues arise before you notice any pain, discolouration, or changes. We can prevent issues before they turn into emergencies involving a lot of pain, invasive surgery, and a high price point.

Cosmetic and restorative dentistry

While our goal is preventive dentistry, we do offer cosmetic and restorative dentistry for damaged, uncomfortable even painful, or undesirable smiles. If you are seeking a dentist in Mackay, that whitens your smile with veneers, restores missing teeth with dental implants, or realigns overcrowded teeth with traditional or clear braces, at Walkerston Dental, we have the staff to help you revive your smile to give you the confidence you missed or maybe never even had.

At Walkerston Dental, we care deeply that our patients receive the best care at an affordable price in a safe and calming environment. We want to instill in our patients effective oral hygiene habits to prevent painful and expensive oral health emergencies.