What does a regular dental check-up and cleaning in Walkerston involve?
Regular dental examinations are an important ingredient of a thorough oral routine. Most people are advised to return to the dentist every 6 months for a check-up and cleaning – however, some patients may need to repeat this process more often.
A dental examination is a very carefully planned and systematic process during which our Walkerston dentist at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, will examine and screen our patients’ teeth for signs of various oral concerns. Once this procedure finishes, our dentist in Walkerston will continue into a thorough scaling and polishing session, where plaque and bacteria will be removed from the patients’ teeth. Both these procedures need to be repeated at least twice a year if you wish to avoid the appearance of plaque and gum disease.
An overview of the dental examination
Here is a rundown of the basic steps of a typical dental examination:
- an oral health evaluation through a thorough examination of the teeth and gums followed by examining the soft tissues in the mouth
- x-rays in order to look for signs of gum disease or tooth decay
- regular oral cancer screening
- alignment and bite check.
Once the dentist performs all of these steps, they will decide whether treatment is needed and create a customised plan you. They will also offer advice before handing you to the oral hygienist for the scaling and polishing treatment. This advice can be general tips on brushing and flossing, smoking cessation advice or diet advice.
Removing plaque and debris from the teeth
The cleaning process can be performed by a dentist or a dental hygienist. They will use a special tool (scaler) to remove hardened plaque from the teeth and gums and then the teeth will be polished with a special paste, which is slightly abrasive. This step is important because it prevents bacteria from sticking to your tooth enamel.
Better safe, than sorry
Visiting our dentist in Walkerston is the only safe way to keep your teeth healthy and disease-free. Plaque can develop regardless of the degree of brushing or flossing you perform at home, therefore removing it professionally at regular intervals is essential.