Why it’s important to go to the dentist in Mackay

It can sometimes be tempting to want to do everything ourselves. Who needs hairdressers when you own a pair of scissors? Who needs to go to cafes when you can make a perfect cuppa at home? Who needs to go to the dentist in Mackay when there’s a toothbrush and toothpaste sitting by the sink in the bathroom?

Dentist in MackayTo a certain extent, we can look after our teeth pretty well at home but we all need that helping hand to ensure our oral health stays in good shape. At Walkerston Dental we believe that it is extra important to keep the teeth and gums in tip-top condition so you can enjoy a healthy smile. While mainting good oral hygiene at home is great, there are multiple reasons why attending your routine check-ups on top of this is a good idea.

At your check-up there are lots of things we can do for you, including:

  • checking for early signs of gum disease and tooth decay that are often hard to detect at home
  • removing plaque before it accumulates
  • offering advice on how to maintain good oral hygiene
  • assessing if you have any dental problems that need addressing and arranging appropriate treatment.

What happens at the dentist in Mackay?

In a year, the number of visits to the dentist in Mackay will depend on your circumstances. If you are looking after your teeth well, brushing twice a day and flossing regularly, you may get away with coming to see us just once a year. However, if you have a weak immune system, lifestyle habits such as heavy smoking, or are undergoing certain medical treatments, visits may be more frequent.

When it’s your time to visit us at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, you can expect a warm, friendly welcome. During your dental appointment, we will examine your teeth, gums and mouth. We will ask you whether you have experienced any problems or discomfort in the mouth, and offer advice on keeping up with good dental cleaning habits. We may also make plans for treatment if you need any dental restoration. Attending regular check-ups will help minimise the need for treatment in the long run.