Avoiding a trip to the emergency dentist in Walkerston
It’s great to have access to the services of an emergency dentist in Walkerston. However, it’s even better if you take advantage of the regular offerings we provide at Walkerston Dental and avoid the need for emergency dental treatment altogether.
Below are just a few pieces of advice that we can offer you to avoid having to visit the emergency dentist in Walkerston. When you come to us for regular check-ups, we can provide guidance that is tailored to your circumstances.
Remember that teeth are mostly just for eating
Although it’s true that the teeth have several roles, opening a bottle or biting something that isn’t food aren’t one of them. If you try to do something like this, it can crack your tooth. You will need to see an emergency dentist in Walkerston and it can lead to extensive restoration work. This could cost you time and money – avoid the temptation!
Visit us at Walkerston Dental
Come every six months or so, even if you have a diligent hygiene routine; your teeth can still suffer from long-term damage that builds up bit by bit. This can easily tip over into a situation that requires a trip to the emergency dentist in Walkerston. Regular check-ups mean that we may be able to spot an issue before it becomes too much of a problem. Your dentist can see things that you may not be able to spot or feel yet and provide you with minor treatment.
Don’t put off a visit if you are experiencing symptoms
Dental problems can get exponentially worse very quickly. Once you have a hole in your tooth, for example, this becomes a haven for acid-forming bacteria, so you are no longer able to brush them away. This accelerates tooth decay and can lead to a requirement for more work in the future.
Wear a mouthguard
If you regularly play contact sports, ensure you use a mouthguard. We can fit you for something that is custom-made, comfortable and much less expensive than tooth replacement.
If you have any questions about emergency dentistry or any of our other services, please feel free to contact a member of the team at Walkerston Dental.